You can help raise much needed funds for Rabbit Rescue North West by shopping through a number of affiliate schemes. All sales through these channels will result in a percentage of what you spend being donated to us.
amazon smile
You can raise money for us every time you shop at Amazon, it’s as simple as that. If you use the link and add Rabbit Rescue North West as your charity, every purchase you make then helps us. Please make sure you follow the guidance from the Amazon Smile.
facebook birthday fundraisers
If you are on Facebook and it is approaching your birthday, you may see suggestions for creating a charity fundraiser from Facebook on your birthday. Facebook, will allow you to choose a charity you wish to raise funds for, so why not choose Rabbit Rescue North West. You will be able to search for us on Facebook and select us as your chosen charity, then simply share the post and encourage your Facebook friends to make a donation to celebrate your special day!